Booking a class
We have over 30 mat-based classes and seven reformer classes per week to choose from with our highly experienced and fully qualified teachers.
Most of our classes are mixed level with the addition of our Platinum Pilates classes for the older adult population. Not only do we offer Pilates classes but we also offer Barre Fitness and Yoga classes as an alternative option.
We pride ourselves on being inclusive to all, we welcome everyone no matter your level and we can’t wait to welcome you to our studio(s).
A reminder that we do not have a reception / waiting area at either of our studios, therefore we suggest that you arrive 5 minutes before the start of your class. The door will be locked at the start of the class so please do make sure that you are on time to avoid being locked out! There is a 10 minute change over period between each group class. Please allow the class before you to leave before you enter the studio.
How to make a booking
Download the Momence App or log in using a desktop. Once you have set up your account on Momence you will easily be able to manage your bookings
Drop in Classes
Pay as you go / drop in classes are charged at £14.50 per 60 minute class.
Class Passes
Class passes are a more affordable way to pay for a class. If you purchase a class pass this will work out at a cheaper price per class than purchasing just one drop in class. You can purchase a class pass of 5, 10 or 20 credits / classes.
Class Passes are like a “Pre Paid” voucher. Each class that you book into will then be “paid for” by using a credit from your Class Pass. Each class pass has an expiry date when all your credits need to be used by.
You can use the class credits at your own pace - not limiting yourself to just one class per week.
Waiting lists
We run a waiting list for each class which allows you to add yourself to a “Wait List” if a class is already full.
When a spot opens up, the first wait-lister is asked by text message if they still want the spot. If they respond with a Yes, its theirs. If they say No, the next wait-lister in line is immediately asked. This repeats until someone accepts.
If a wait-lister takes more than 30 minutes to respond, they lose their chance, and the next in line is asked. You can see your place in line from your Momence account.
If you do not have a phone number on file you will be emailed instead.
Recurring Bookings
If you are booked into a weekly class (same day / same time) on a recurring basis you need to ensure that you always have an active Class Pass or Membership on your account available with enough credits to pay for the classes. Customers that don't have a compatible membership / class pass will have their payment method on file charged to settle the unpaid booking. This will be at our drop in rate of £14.50 per class.
FAQs and Terms & Conditions
We try to be as "flexible" as possible (good use of words!) to our clients in our offering if you miss a class. We are a small business trying to stay afloat. Please note that catch-up classes are not guaranteed, but this is an added extra service that we like to be able to offer to our clients (where possible). Many gyms/studios/swimming pools/clubs/music teachers do not allow you to make up classes if you can't get to them. Precision Pilates catch-up classes/credits are special service we try to provide, but aren’t owed to our clients.
If you can't make a class, you may be able to receive a credit for a future class. To receive a credit for a missed class, you must cancel yourself out of your class (through the Momence booking app or desktop version) at least 24 hours before class starts. A credit will be issued to your account (if you cancelled your class with at least 24 hours notice) and is valid until your class pass expiry date. If you are not able to cancel your space within 24 hours of the start of the class then you will be be issued with a credit back to your Class Pass. We do however ask that you STILL cancel your space which allows someone to take your place if they are on the waiting list.
Class passes are the most economical way of purchasing classes. You will therefore be purchasing your classes at a discounted rate from the drop in price. With this in mind there is an expiry date that the classes need to be used within. Should you not use all of your class credits prior to your pack expiring we are NOT able to extend your expiry date . We are a small business and would really appreciate if you did not ask for any extensions.
Credits do not have a monetary value and cannot be exchanged for a cash refund.
If we (the studio) have to cancel a class due to staff sickness, studio closure, or force majeure, we will credit your class back to your class pass. We send an SMS text message to all clients if you have to cancel a class - therefore it is your responsibility to ensure that you have your correct mobile telephone number on your Momence account.
Some clients like to guarantee a space in a class on the same day and time each week. By booking onto a recurring class you are reserving a space in a class on an ongoing basis.
If you would like to book a certain class on a recurring weekly basis then please email us and we can do this for you our end. We will need to check that there is availability in the class ongoing before offering you a space.
Recurring class bookings in the future are classed as “unpaid”. The Momence booking system will automatically settle (pay for) any unpaid bookings 14 days before the start of the class. Therefore you MUST have an active Class Pack (which is essentially a pre paid class pack of 5, 10 or 20 classes) on your account for Momence to pull the credits from 14 days before the start of a class.
If you do not have an active Class Pass or membership on your account, Momence will automatically charge your payment card on file for the class at the “Drop In” class rate of (£14.50 for a 60-min class).
Please note that it is the client’s responsibility to ensure they always have an Active Class Pass for the classes to be paid from to avoid being charged the higher drop in rate. If you are charged the drop in rate for a class - we are not able to refund you. -
Class passes are a more cost effective way of paying for your classes. If you are going to be attending classes on a fairly regular basis you are advised to purchase a class pack which brings down the cost of each class.
You can purchase class packs of 5, 10 or 20.
It is the customers responsibility to keep on top of how many credits they have remaining in their pass.
Customers will receive a reminder email once they have 4 and then 2 credits left in the Class Pass. -
If you are booked into a weekly regular class (eg every Monday 9.30am) and you wish to change to an alternative class ongoing (eg to Tuesday 9.30am) you MUST email Precision Pilates Studio (hello@precisionpilatesstudio.co.uk) to make the swap. We will check availability for the requested ongoing class and swap your class over.
From time to time we run beginner Pilates workshops which are ideal for complete beginners to attend prior to booking into an already established mixed level class. Alternatively we run two Level 1 Pilates classes per week which are ideal for beginners, those clients returning after a break or those with less than 12 months Pilates experience.
Another option is to book a 1:1 session with us - please email to enquire.