Precision Pilates Studio prioritises the health and well-being of all their clients and instructors.
To ensure the safety of yourselves and others in class carefully read the below policy and apply procedure when visiting studio classes.
We have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment which is available on request.
We will….
Appropriately clean the studio space before classes under Government Guidelines.
Sanitise Barres before and after all classes.
Provide 2M distancing signage (if required)
Provide hand sanitiser on entry to the studio (we recommend you also bring your own).
Ensure our Instructors wash their hands before and after each class.
Ensure our Automatic Air Flow System is turned on during each class.
Ensure a minimum of a 10-minute window between classes to avoid cross over of clients.
Clean any shared equipment before and after the classes.
Clean touch points eg. door handles & light switches before and after class.
Clients will…
Respect social distancing in the studio.
Wash and sanitise hands before you come to class.
Bring your own mat and props to class (Soft Ball, Resistance Band & Head Cushion).
Arrive in your workout clothes as changing areas will be unavailable.
NOT arrive any more than 5 minutes before your class to avoid congestion.
After your class exit as quickly and safely as possible avoiding crowding and bottle necking.
NOT attend class if you are feeling unwell such as a heavy cold, cough or Covid Symptoms.
Please refer to .
Agree to catch coughs and sneezes in tissues and dispose of immediately.
Wear CLEAN non slip socks to each class.
Clean their mat on a regular basis prior to coming to class.
Avoid bringing un-necessary personal belongings to class.
Leave all shoes, coats and bags in the designated area.
Should you test positive for Covid-19, within 48 hours of attending a class or 1:1, we ask that you let us know via email so that we can notify the instructor or any client that was in close contact with you.
Should one of our instructors test positive, within 48 hours of teaching you, we will let you know via email and advise you to take a PCR test.